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5% Loan of The City of Baku - 1910 dated Russian Bond (Uncanceled)
Black Sea-Kuban Railway - 1911 £20 British Pounds or 189 Roubles Uncanceled Russian Bond
Compagnie Du Chemin de Fer D'Olonetz - Bond (Uncanceled)
Compagnie Du Chemin de Fer de Riazan-Ourals 4% 1903 Bond (Uncanceled)
Compagnie Du Chemin de Fer Du Nord-Donetz  - Bond (Uncanceled)
Compagnie Du Chemin de Fer Du Nord-Est de L'Oural - Bond (Uncanceled)
Companie Du Chemin de Fer de Semiretchensk (Est-Turkestan) - 1913 dated Russian Bond (Uncanceled)
Gouvernement Imperial de Russie - 1880 dated 125 Roubles Bond (Uncanceled)
Gouvernement Imperial de Russie, 4% - Bond (Uncanceled)
Gouvernement Imperial de Russie 4% 1902 Bond (Uncanceled)
Gouvernement Imperial de Russie, 4% - 1902 Russian Bond (Uncanceled)
Grande Societe Des Chemins de Fer Russes - Bond (Uncanceled)
Imperial Government of Russia, 3 8/10% Conversion 1898 dated 150 Roubles Uncanceled Bond
Imperial Government of Russia, 4% 1889 Gold Bond (Uncanceled)
Imperial Govt of Russia, 3% 1891 Gold Bond (Uncanceled)
 Imperial Govt of Russia, 3% 1896 Gold Loan Bond (Uncanceled)
Imperial Govt of Russia, Russian 4% Gold Loan - Bond (Uncanceled)
Imperial Government of Russia, 4% 1889 Gold Bond (Uncanceled) - Russian Gold Bond
Imperial Government of Russia - Imperial Land Mortgage Bank For Nobility  - Bond (Uncanceled)
Imperial Govt of Russia-Nicolas 1867 Bond (Uncanceled)

119 Items.

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